Sunday, December 11, 2011

A new way to locate agents?

I noticed I have yet a new follower on my blog " Michael Waynes" (yeepee and welcome to you, Michael!)
I did check if he had a blog but couldn't see one...
Yet through him, I checked his list of followed blogs and found one blog called "Still and quiet madness" by Anita Grace Howard which intrigued me.
(See the importance of a good title for a blog and how one thing leads to another)

On her website, she mentioned a new website called QT (The Query Tracker) which basically helps authors querying their works to agents.

The QT has grown to be one of the most extensive online data bases for aspiring authors, boasting statistical information for 1,253 literary agents and 131 publishers. To date, there are 681 success stories born of the some 47,530 QT members.
The most important service QT provides is the community fellowship.
The second most interesting asset to this database is that The Query Tracker database has information on every statistic a writer could imagine on the tab "Reports and Statistics" such as:
  1. Which agent had the highest request rates?
  2. How many days until my own request should come in(ever the optimistic one)?
  3. How many lucky writers signed?
  4. How many unhappy writers marked their own queries as a "no response"?
Last but not least about QT is it's completely free to join and get access to the agent/publisher info, threads, etc... BUT, a $25/yr premium membership opens a whole new world of features. Click here to check out that list.
Of course, if you don't feel up to it just yet, the QT has a blog which is quite interesting too:

Here was one interesting article about what you should know about Literary Agents:

I wonder if this is the new way to query agents or to get a true insight about their world.  Those stats would quite help in an industry where silence is often the only answer you get out of an agent.

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