Sunday, May 20, 2012

What I've been up to...

Wow. It's been a month. A MONTH. It feels like years.
One month since I haven't come to this blog.
It feels weird coming back. I couldn't even remember my google password to get in. I had to reset it. That's how long it's been. While I was away, I did
a few other things though. This is the list of things I've done:
A) Writing Arts events. 
And for 2 audiences.
1) Been writing for an online magazine called (on and off)
2) The other audience is a free local newspaper called the I'm writing for them on a monthly basis. For free. Of course for free. It sucks and it would be nice to be paid to write articles but we can dream.
I did it for the experience and to build a readership. LOL.
But after 7 months, I can tell that nobody is reading it because I am not getting any feedback and it doesn't generate any views on this blog. So much for that. Oh well.
B) Writing Women's Fiction.
The last one I wrote was "When you Dance"
It's about a girl called Lindsay who lives to dance every Saturday night. That is until one weirdo appears and spoil her fun. Or he is really? 
I don't know if it's great. But I have enjoyed writing Women's fiction. At least while it lasted. It was like a fever. And it wouldn't go away unless I wrote. And now? Well I'm giving it a break as no inspiration has hit me since. I put that story up on Smashwords for free and hoped for the best...The result was a disaster! It hardly got any downloads. So that's that. Since it's still free, anybody is welcome to read and review it. 
C) Revamping my Arts wordpress blog
I started to put up arts articles and events in Dublin. I also started to take pictures of arts events and tried my hand at Photography in general. This has been really fun and I enjoyed it immensely. But while fun is fun, work doesn't get done. And work is piling up.

 What have you been up to?


  1. Great to see you back blogging, I visited the site not expecting to see any update. What a busy schedule of art related activities! Its good that you are spending your spare time on what really interests you. I'm sure more readers will find your work if you keep going!

  2. That's a lot done in a month!

  3. It's really great how productive and creative you are being, and all the things you are doing to get your writing and work out there. Sometimes the benefits aren't obvious - like the feedback and page views etc - but instead are things like honing your craft, tightening your viewpoint, editing, practising your writing voice. It's all really good!

    What have I been up to? Working, mainly (the day job that pays the bills), and then writing / editing around the edges.
