Wednesday, January 3, 2018

writing a song as a therapy

I haven't written an article in a long time. I want to share my impressions of Christmas and in particular a Christmas film I saw today.I have been disliking Christmas for a long time. In my past, Christmas has often been synonymous of tension or arguments. They have not always been very festive or happy.Gradually I have begun to appreciate Christmas. I also experienced this Christmas a very pretty Christmas this year.A Christmas as we see them on TV.With a nice table and lots of people around this table. It was a nice change for me. A Christmas with a neat decoration on the table, with candles, and red paper towels folded in the shape of fir trees.A Christmas with a fir tree decorated and full of gifts at its feet. A Christmas where we sang too. A Christmas with very good food too! With laughter and discussions where we do not speak of politics but of music for example.
But to get back to the Christmas spirit, one of the things that makes me appreciate Christmas more, is A Christmas movie.
Yes, I admit it. In his often American films, Christmas is completely idealized and "perfectized". This word does not exist. I just invented it!

Everything is beautiful and perfect. People are beautiful. The decorations in the houses and in the streets are perfect, the fir trees, the snow on the fir trees, even the clothes! The actors wear clothes reminiscent of Christmas. Their clothes are often red or green. People sing Christmas songs. Villagers all have Christmas spirit. In short, a real fairy tale.

But at the same time, these films are, from my point of view anyway, also a source of inspiration. An inspiration for what we wish for Christmas, what we aspire to live for Christmas. 

 Aspirations of which we are not always aware of, that we do not always admit to ourselves in the risk of appearing naive or utopian. But everyone longs for a Christmas with more gaiety, more beauty, more sharing and joy.These Xmas films allow to give lightness.  

I had some difficult times this year. Like many people. I wanted to have a simple moment of joy. And this film did that.

I wish to explain especially why this film stayed with me. This film was called "A song for christmas" directed by R.C Newey.

It was about this Country singer who can not impose her style of songs on her manager. She lets herself be dictated by the "media rules" and by her manager what is good for her career. His manager thinks that she just needs to limit herself to sing other people songs. He thinks inventing a romantic love life with another Country singer will propel her faster to the top.

I do not tell you the whole story. I will tell you what I liked in this film.  

What I liked was the message of hope that the film offers. He obviously encourages heroes to follow their dreams. Americans are very good at conveying this message. Beyond that, this movie offers a message to be authentic and true to oneself. Another nice message.

Writing a song, a therapy?
But above all what I liked is how it suggested to write a song in this film. 

As this blog states, I am interested in Art Therapy.Writing a song is for me part of Art Therapy. 

Here is a girl who would like to write a song about what Christmas inspires her. But she is no longer sure of being talented.She would like to write about what she likes about Christmas. It's pretty "basic". She likes to go sledging. She likes to "wait for Christmas" all year round to enjoy Christmas Day.

She likes to look at the xmas tree and look forward to opening the gifts like when she was small.Write and say about what touches us. This is art therapy. It's reconnecting with what we love. Allow ourself to say it and write it. That's what I'm doing here.Even if what we like seems simple or apparently silly.  

To return to these memories of childhood is to reconnect with buried joys that give us energy, which is very good for morale. It's also reconnecting with our inner child. It is to allow oneself to speak.Moreover, in the film, she says "if certain words sound too silly to say, just sing them. "

It's as simple as that. Many well-known songs have very simple lyrics.
Allow yourself to express yourself honestly despite your own inner criticism and the judgment of others. It's liberating and therapeutic.

How to Write a Song? 

Everyone can do it. There is no need for much: a pencil, a paper, a bench, and another person with whom to do this exercise.  
Write on a common theme that pleases both. For example Christmas.  
And above all, do not judge the result!!
Art therapy is not interested in the result. When one clings too much to the result, one removes pleasure and spontaneity. Art Therapy is about the journey: rather see what this song creation has procured for you during an hour.

 In one hour, it is allowing ourself a moment to be authentically ourself and with the other. A moment when we have dared to say and show what we really are. A playful moment too. A moment of creativity. 
That's what I liked about this movie.

So are you ready to write a text with a friend or partner? a song? Some authentic lines on what you love about Christmas?Share these lines here if you dare.

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