I was looking for a picture of a laptop to put on the previous post and it dawned on me that the choice for laptops as much as computers, say quite a lot about how a writer view him or herself.
So what kind of tool do you chose for yourself?
Is it pink and fluffy?
Is it solar and seemingly work like a coffee table?
Is it gimmicky with antennas like an ant and can it move it's head and says hello like E.T?
Is it bulky, slow and old? (And yes incidentally, this is the first world laptop. In 1984, Apple Computer introduced its Apple IIc model . The Apple IIc was a notebook-sized computer, so technically not a true laptop but still close enough to what was going to be the first laptop.
The computer itself weighed about 10 to 12 lb (about 5 kg), but the monitor was heavier. It had a 9-inch monochrome monitor or an optional LCD panel. The combination computer/ LCD panel made it a genuinely portable computer, although you would have to set it up once you reached your destination. Or is it just black, sleek and looking professional-like?
Mine is like that. Well similar to that. And I still look at it and think: "How cool this laptop is!" the thought of buying one had been hanging over my head til I couldn't take it anymore. Until quite recently, I still had one bulky old computer with a boot up process and an internet connection so fast that I had time to go downstairs, boil the kettle, make a cup of tea and come back, still not ready...watching T.V. Forgot about the pc and then come upstairs to turn it off.
I would have liked to chose a funky colourful one but that range wasn't available in colour. Shame. Also my budget dictated me to go for something affordable and lasting instead of flashy and trendy.
While looking for pictures, I even found a laptop with a multicoloured keyboard. I didn't even know there was such thing as a multicoloured keyboard.
While looking for pictures, I even found a laptop with a multicoloured keyboard. I didn't even know there was such thing as a multicoloured keyboard.
Overall, I am pretty happy with what I got. It looks classy and says how serious I am about writing ( hum hum, well how I want to believe how serious I am) and is so much faster. It's like having a washing machine after years of cleaning your clothes by hand. ;-)
And does your laptop/computer look like? And why did you chose it?